Health News Headlines

Saturday, November 14, 2009

burn fat quickly for weight loss

We all want to burn fat quickly for weight loss. They're many reasons why you might want this maybe to Trim that butt, waste that cellulite, smooth those love handles, and bust that belly. In this article you will see exactly how fat burning works and how to get the best out of your exercise program.

Step 1) A smart way to burn calories is to split your exercise training session into two small sessions rather than one long period.

Step 2) Increase how much you eat fiber foods. It is a fact that the necessary amount of fiber is lacking in most of our daily meals. Fiber aids your fat burning process significantly and in addition, promotes an overall general health. Salads are great because they have fiber in them.

Step 3) Don't get to stuffed. Before every meal drink one glass of water; then eat. Once you are satisfied and full then stop eating. Never stuff yourself. If your over at a guest house don't feel the pressure to finish your whole plate. If your full then your full. Worry about your body.

Step 4) A great way to start your metabolism fast is workout for 15 minutes in the morning then eat breakfast. However make sure you remember step 3. Don't get over stuffed.

If you really want to burn fat quickly; then you should start by following the steps above. This is the bear minimum. Your going to need to keep with it, remember some people lose weight
faster than others. Just stick with it.

What Can Acne Do to You

Seeing acne growing uncontrollably all over your face is not a good way to start high school. Either way, you might feel a little embarrassed or even feel ugly. Most especially if you feel like a lot of people are looking at you. This is what most of the teens are experiencing when faced with acne problems.

Just as you think that you are so prepared in your high school life, different body changes could be a little scary. At this point in time, body changes are prevalent-chest starts developing, deeper voice for men and menstrual cycle is starting for women. These changes are somehow expected. Yet, it can be a time where self-esteem can become low.

As much as teens wanted to be part of the crowd, certain body changes hinder them to do so. One major cause of insecurities among teens is their acne. While for some, being "one" of the adults is cool, some are very much afraid with what others might say to them.

Trying to dress are just some of the things teens would gladly do. But with acne scattered around their faces, they come to realize that they, in fact, are not attractive. A slight appearance could cause panic. Which is why, scars are not just the most dangerous thing a teen would perceive about this problem. Psychological effects are also discovered which emanates from suffering in such condition.

Insecurity is just one of the things teens will feel once acne started to grow. This could be the reason why teens prefer to be on the other side of the room and just sit in the corner all by themselves; afraid that other people will feel uneasy towards their skin problem.

Since acne can look ugly depending on its severity, people will see their condition as unhygienic, causing the victim to withdraw themselves from the crowed. The sudden realization that they have this problem which is very visible even from afar, will assure them to stay away from people, and even from those whom they admire.

A feeling of embarrassment could also be experienced by this condition causing them to hide their faces over some fake hairs and hairstyles or even by putting a lot of cosmetics. One must be aware that as much as cosmetics help us in concealing the ugly acnes we have, applying this without cleaning your face is a big no-no.

Helplessness can also be felt over their situation. And although they see their condition as something they will carry for the rest of their lives, it must be noted that the effects of having an acne problem can still be cured by consulting your doctor-which is the best thing to do before acne covers your entire face.

You probably know that acne is hard to get rid of especially if you do not a proper treatment plan. With a proper plan, you may be able to see drastic improvement to your acne, sometimes as fast as 7 days.

Psychological Effects of Acne on Teens Can Be More Serious Than You Think

There is no doubt that acne can have psychological effects on people. However, the psychological effects of acne are not always associated to the severity of the acne. To some people, the least severe acne lesions like whiteheads and blackheads are disturbing.

Predominantly, acne occurs in teenage years where an individual is more vulnerable to psychological and social impact. During this time, young kids are still in a stage of personality and social development. To teenagers, peer acceptance is more important and ironically, physical appearance and good looks count as being accepted to the public eye.

A single sign of acne on a face might not be as appealing for these teens. As a result, more teenagers have problems related to acne.

According to some studies, teenagers with acne on their faces have low self-esteem. Due to their insecurity, these teenagers have difficulty making an eye contact during conversation. And to hide their acne, these teenagers grow their hair longer and hide their faces. In addition, heavy makeup is used at a young age.

There are also times that participation in social activities like sports is hindered due to acne. For such a young age, these teens already gave up on their dreams and their hobbies due to acne that can show up on their chest and back. Hence, even though they should be building their social skills, they are withdrawing from it instead.

Furthermore, the psychological effect is worsened because of cruel taunts from other teens. With low self-confidence, they do not have the courage to face the opposite sex and form a relationship. In worse cases, these teenagers develop social phobia. Thus, even school performance is impaired.

Some teenagers with too much acne are also depressed. These teenagers usually have mood swings, behavioral problems, and insomnia. In some cases, these teens feel unworthy and cry spontaneously. If the problem is not treated immediately, this condition might force these teens to commit suicide.

Acne that interferes a teen's life significantly must be treated immediately. Further, call a doctor or dermatologist immediately to prevent any psychological effects of acne.

You probably know that acne is hard to get rid of especially if you do not a proper treatment plan. With a proper plan, you may be able to see drastic improvement to your acne, sometimes as fast as 7 days.

Are You Aware of These Alternative Methods for Natural Treatment of Acne

The fact is acne treatment products are not always the best options to treat acne. They are sometimes too expensive and don't give the same optimal result you are hoping for. In some instances, these products can worsen your skin condition.

A good start to treat acne is to use natural acne treatment like tea tree oil. Natural acne treatments are often available at a cheaper price. Further, tea tree oil treatment is more effective because it kills bacteria while drying up the skin to hinder production of more oil. The effect of tea tree oil is long lasting. In the long run, cost is minimized.

Another option is to use green tea. The detoxifying properties of green tea can help cleanse the skin from grime and dirt, the two factors that causes acne. Green tea can also rejuvenate the skin and give a smoothing effect. Green tea should be applied while warm and wash off with cool water.

Garlic and oatmeal can also alleviate the symptoms of pimples. In fact, oatmeal mask is one of the best natural skin treatments for acne. It softens the skin and removes dirt in the skin pores. Applying cooked oatmeal on the face for ten and fifteen minutes might help remove any traces of acne on the face and other affected areas.

On the other hand, raw garlic gloves should be scrubbed on the affected areas and left on the skin overnight. Mixture of avocado paste and water can also relief the symptoms of acne.

Lifestyle change including diet and hygiene can also help treat acne. Consuming foods rich in vitamins like vitamin A, B, C, and E is highly encouraged. In addition, cleanse the skin regularly can unclogged the pores from dirt and bacteria.

For inflamed acne, the best treatments are to apply lavender, cucumber or lemon juice on the acne. Application of toothpaste might also help treat the acne. However, the toothpaste should only be applied on the affected area.

If the effect of natural acne treatments is not satisfactory, it is highly recommended to consult a dermatologist before the skin complication starts to spread further. The advantage of natural treatment is there are no known potential side effects from applying these treatments.

You probably know that acne is hard to get rid of especially if you do not a proper treatment plan. With a proper plan, you may be able to see drastic improvement to your acne, sometimes as fast as 7 days.

Gaining Muscle Fast And Naturally

You will find many suggestions when gaining muscle fast is one of the major aims in your life. But will all they work for you? Very few of such strategies have proven to be successful.

So what will help the development of the muscle in a quick manner? Our body will not work the way it should unless it gets the required amount of protein and vitamin.

If you eat sufficient food you will benefit in two ways. You will get energy to exercise and your muscles will increase considerably. Unless you work out hard the muscles won't get the boost for the requisite growth.

While you are exercising remember that training hard for long hours will not help much in gaining muscle fast.

Always focus on one particular muscle group because if the workout becomes too much strenuous the process will not be too much helpful. So always perform the workouts under professional guidance.

You may take the help of any professional trainer or you may follow the training videos as these are also efficient in providing good trainings. The time limit for the workouts must not increase one hour of time duration.

Weight lifting is the most popular form of exercise that is helpful for breaking down the cells of the muscles.

After the workout it is now time to take proper rest and feed the muscles with beneficial food. Don't forget that water is also very important for muscle growth. So drink plenty of water everyday.

Calories and protein shakes are also essential. Various supplements can also provide the required amount of protein to your body. These ideas are not simple tips.

They have adequate scientific research backing the facts. If you want to be successful in gaining muscle fast then these are the most effective and healthful ways.

The Truth About Anti Wrinkle Firming Cream

Are you sick and tired of all those skincare products claiming to be the best and giving you false promises of having a youthful and glowing skin to the point of giving up your search for the best anti wrinkle firming cream? You should not give up just yet because what you only need is correct information about the perfect anti wrinkle firming cream for your skin.

One very important tip that you should remember is that you should not believe everything you hear or see on TV, magazine, radio, or the internet. These advertisements about anti aging wrinkle creams are only that, advertisements that will attract intended audience by giving testimonials from customers or showing you effects which they said you can achieve after only a few days of using these products.

The best anti aging wrinkle creams do not give you overnight miracles—one day your skin is sagging, old, and wrinkled and the next day it will become smooth, firm, and younger-looking. You will know just by being keen and observant that this is impossible, you need to wait for some time before you can see the results of your anti wrinkle firming cream, even if you are using the best one in the market.

One ingredient of most anti-aging wrinkle creams is mineral oil which sounds simple and harmless enough to be added to products that you apply on your skin. However, its simple name can be deceiving because this oil removes the moisture that is naturally found in your skin and when this moisture is depleted, your skin will be dry.

Another ingredient that you usually hear in commercials of different skincare products is collagen, which they usually try to emphasize as a substance that makes your skin firm and smooth. The truth is, however, collagen has no positive effect on your skin because your skin cannot absorb the huge molecules of collagen, making this substance useless.

What you should look for is an anti wrinkle firming cream that has substances that stimulates the natural collagen in your body. So a product that boasts to having collagen in its list of ingredients will actually do nothing to your skin.

Another natural substance in your skin is elastin, a protein that firms up your skin and prevent it from sagging or getting wrinkled, just like what collagen does. As you grow older, the production of these natural body proteins will slow down, which makes your skin lose its firmness.

Good and effective anti aging wrinkle creams have ingredients that boost the production of these two proteins, making your skin firm and wrinkle-free.

Keratin is another protein in your body and what it does is it replaces your dead skin cells with new ones, which results in a young-looking and flawless skin. You should choose anti aging wrinkle creams with this natural ingredient.

Now that you know this information, why waste your time buying products that will not do your skin any good? Pick the best anti wrinkle firming cream and make your skin look smooth and firm.

Right Time to Lose Weight

It is time to Get Up And Lose Weight

If your answer to all of the above questions is Yes, then it is time for you to get up and lose weight. Your weight loss plan should be based on a stern diet regulation and exercise programme. However alone these two are still limited in their general efficacy. Fortunately, an extra push is now available in the market in numerous ways which can make it really easy to lose weight.

Obesity or excessive weight means a lot more than just a health problem. Besides influencing your health, it also hampers your self esteem. Several studies and reports suggest that folks who are obese are not well accepted socially and even suffer from lack of self-worth. So if you have to do something about it. You might use dietary control together with some form of physical activity to drop extra pounds. Along with exercise and the right diet, you would also need some more help to lose weight. There are some weight loss products that can add that additional component to your weight loss plan. Here are some options that can help you with the same.

Green tea is another good supplement for weight loss aspirants. It is freed from any fat content and only comes with acceptable carbohydrate content. Green tea not only helps you lose weight but also brings numerous other health benefits. Not many products can be regarded as effective natural antioxidants as green tea.Likewise this product is also superb for people suffering from cardiac issues.

Another herbal weight loss supplement you'll consider is Goji Berry, especially its juice. Goji juice is the perfect option because it provides a particularly controlled diet.Since each Goji berry is 68% carbs, 12% proteins, 10% fiber and only ten percent fat. Goji Berry juice can provide you a relief from those unpalatable health drinks which you have to drink if you want to control your weight.

In case, you're looking for herbal weight loss supplements then Resveratrol is another option that you have. This herbal supplement not just helps you lose pounds but also offers many anti age benefits. It multiplies your constitution rate by 1.5 times and helps you burn more calories. Thus, you get to lose weight and that too without following any kind of weight loss diet.

It is not easy to shed pounds but with regular exercise, control on eating and a little push from these supplements, anyone can lose weight for sure.

Natural mineral makeup and organic aloe vera skin care

Welcome to the home of the pure, natural mineral makeup and organic aloe vera skin care range called Skin Rich.

An Australian product designed for everyone

In designing for psoriasis, eczema, acne, rosacea and sunburn, the recipes are nourishing and gentle for everyone; men, women, children and babies. An Australian range designed for all skin care needs. Natural, pure and luxurious ingredients.

Safe products, no fillers

We bring you pure, natural mineral makeup. There is a lot of mineral makeup saturating the market and most of it is plumped full of talc powder, rice flour, corn flour and a designer filler called bismuth oxychloride.

Bismuth is an inflammatory and can break down cellular barriers to your skin cells, often causing redness over time. We specialise in ingredients which are concentrated and anti-inflammatory. Everything about this range aims to reduce redness, irritation and inflammation and therefore maintaining good skin for everyone.In with the good, out with the bad...

In with the good, out with the bad...

We can help you maximise your looks by not only removing the cheap and often synthetic ingredients found in most skin care ranges but by feeding some of the most expensive and nourishing ingredients back in. Stay tuned as our range develops.

We invite you to enjoy this extraordinary work in progress! Our aromatherapist is busy creating her magic as you read!

Ingredients: Pure Organic Aloe Vera 99.72%, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate.

Benefits: anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory. Sinks to a depth of skin called the basal skin layer that most moisturizers do not reach. It also tones and firms the skin without having to put alcohol and chemicals on your skin. Cancels out scar tissue as it is forming in the deep skin layers.

Why use it? As a quick way to hydrate your skin, a natural toner and firmer and a natural anti ageing system for the eye area with phytoestrogens which we stop producing around the eyes as we get older. Many cosmetic and damaged skin benefits.

When to use it? Spray one to three sprays after cleansing and drying off morning and night. Also spray throughout each day to refresh or as a treatment for damaged skin.

How to use it: spray one to three sprays in each area of your face and body every day. Wash your skin, dry off and then spray aloe. Also spray throughout the day as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal treatment for damaged skin or a refreshing mist through make-up.

Who May Use it: Women tend to enjoy using this as an ideal toner and firmer and then moisturize on top. Men tend to enjoy this as a quick way to moisturize without having to rub it in.

Health Benefits of the Chinese Green Tea

Dating back more than 4,000 years, Chinese green tea diet has been long revered as a tasty drink that can ward off diseases and improve one's well-being. There are only a few herbs that can surpass its impressive history.

Since its first recorded use during the time of Emperor Shen Nung, the link between Chinese green tea diet and good health has never been severed. Today, further studies are made to test the benefits of the remarkable health elixir.

There are as many answers to this question as there are researchers investigating the natural properties of green tea. For example, Herbs for Health magazine cites a Japanese report stating that men who drank ten cups of green tea per day stayed cancer-free for three years longer than men who drank less than three cups a day (there are approximately 240 - 320 mg of polyphenols in three cups of green tea). Meanwhile, a study by Cleveland's Western Reserve University concluded that drinking four or more cups of green tea per day could help prevent rheumatoid arthritis, or reduce symptoms in individuals already suffering from the disease. And Japanese scientists at the Saitama Cancer Research Institute discovered that there were fewer recurrances of breast cancer, and the disease spread less quickly, in women with a history of drinking five cups or more of green tea daily.

Green tea has been used traditionally to control blood sugar in the body. Animal studies suggest that green tea may help prevent the development of type 1 diabetes and slow the progression once it has developed. People with type 1 diabetes produce little or no insulin, a hormone that converts glucose (sugar), starches, and other foods into energy needed for daily life. Green tea may help regulate glucose in the body.

A few small clinical studies have found that daily supplementation of the diet with green tea-extract powder lowered the hemoglobin A1c level in individuals with borderline diabetes.

A study reported on in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that green tea extract resulted in a significant increase in energy expenditure (a metabolism 'boost'). The researchers also concluded that that over a 24-hour period, green tea extract increases the metabolic rate by 4%. These effects are probably due to the high concentrations of catechin polyphenols found in green tea. These work to help intensify levels of fat oxidation and thermo genesis (the rate at which your body burns calories).

Population-based clinical studies have shown that men who drink more than 10 cups of green tea per day are less likely to develop disorders of the liver. Green tea also seems to protect the liver from the damaging effects of toxic substances such as alcohol. Animal studies have shown that green tea helps protect against the development of liver tumors in mice.

Results from several animal and human studies suggest that one of the polyphenols present in green tea, known as catechin, may help treat viral hepatitis (inflammation of the liver from a virus). In these studies, catechin was isolated from green tea and used in very high concentrations. It is not clear whether green tea (which contains a lower concentration of catechins) confers these same benefits to people with hepatitis.

Healthy Diet for Diabetics

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, the doctor advised that you must change your diet and to start a program of regular exercise. Your doctor may have made you an appointment with a nutritionist. You will be able to get a dietician and diabetic recipes out off the internet.

Diabetics are at increased risk of heart disease and problems in the flow of blood in the legs. They have to follow a healthy diet low in fat and a diet that also helps control the level of blood sugar.

So what can you do to manage their diabetes, and to be healthy?

The Diabetes organization has developed a healthy eating food pyramid as a guide to healthy eating for diabetics. They recommend eating: --

1. 6-11 portion of grains and starches per day - bread, pasta, rice, cereals, dried beans and starchy vegetables like potatoes.

2. A minimum of 3-5 servings of vegetables a day - look for vegetable recipes and diabetic recipes using vegetables.

3. 2-4 servings of fruit a day.

4. 2-3 servings of low fat or no fat milk.

5. 4-6 ounces (about 112-168g) of meat and meat substitutes, per day - This should be shared between meals and not eat at a meal. Visible fat should be trimmed off meat should be cooked and healthy - grilled, baked or grilled instead of fried. Meat alternate are cheese, cottage cheese, nut butters, dried beans, eggs and tofu.

6. The smaller group is alcohol, fats and sweets that need to be limited. Alcohol and sweets should only be consumed as treats in small portions. Use recipes low fat and non fat or low fat products.

Other suggestions for diabetics are: --

- Look for specific diabetic recipes to help you follow a healthy diet for your situation.

- Eating the same amount of food at the same time every day - eat regularly to control their level of blood sugar.

- Add starchy foods such as dried beans and bean soups and casseroles to increase their intake of starch. Look out for diabetic recipes that use these starchy foods, because it will have a positive effect on the level of blood sugar.

- Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables for soluble fiber helps reduce the absorption of glucose in the intestine.

- Control your weight - This is particularly important for type 2 diabetes because extra body fat causes the body to have difficulty making and using insulin. Look for diabetics and healthy recipes low fat recipes to help you lose weight and weight control. If you lose a few pounds, you may even be able to reduce medication.

- Control your intake of carbohydrates in meals by carbohydrate count. Your medical professional will be able to advise you on how you need many carbohydrates in each meal, based on their level of exercise and medication.

- Follow a diet low in fat - Diabetics are at a greater risk of heart disease so try to limit your fat intake below 30% of their total daily calorie intake.

Loose The Last 10 Pounds

Many people have difficulty trying to lose the last 10 pounds when trying to reach their target goal. Losing the first 25, 50, or even 100 pounds is often not as difficult as losing the last 10, which just won't come off no matter what your do.

If you really want to get rid off that last bit of stubborn fat, there are many little things you can do to get your body's fat burning ability back on track. A combination of these techniques should help you lose the last 10 pounds.

1) Increase Exercise Frequency: The first thing most people want to do when they reach a fat-loss plateau is to cut calories, but it's better to increase your exercise frequency. Instead of cutting calories, an increase in the frequency of cardiovascular exercise sessions may be the right step.

Even as little as 1 or 2 extra cardio sessions every week can help you burn more fat and finally lose the last 10 pounds so as to achieve your weight loss target.

2) Increase Your Intensity: If increasing the number of cardio sessions is not possible or does not do the trick, increasing exercise intensity may be necessary. Your body may actually respond to an increased intensity in your cardio and weight training routines, setting your metabolism back on track.

You'll have to push yourself to lose the last 10 pounds and achieve the desired results.

3) Cut Calories Slightly: Decreasing the number of calories consumed in a day may be necessary if additional and intensified cardio and weight training sessions have not helped you lose the last 10 pounds or break that fat-loss plateau.

Remember to take this step with caution, because a big calorie deficit can push the body into "survival mode," signaling it to store fat in anticipation of a starvation period. Initially, start off by cutting only 100 to 200 calories to check if that kick-starts your fat loss.

4) Eat Frequently: Increasing the number of meals you eat during a day can be helpful.

By eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day, the body's metabolic rate can be kept at the highest level possible.

5) No Indulgence: Small cheat meals can be a harmless reward for your hard work, but ensure that you keep them in moderation to avoid sabotaging your results. For those who really want to lose the last 10 pounds and are willing to do whatever it takes, even the infrequent, small cheat meals must be avoided altogether.

6) Hydrate Your Body: To keep your fat burning metabolism functioning at its peak, keep your body properly hydrated. This is one of the easiest steps you can take to maximize your results and lose the last 10 pounds; it might be just what you need.

7) Get Enough Sleep: Be sure to maintain a healthy sleep routine, because sleep deprivation can slow down the body's ability to burn fat and build muscle. Proper sleep will help you to recover in between workouts, keep hormone levels in check, and keep you energized to stick to your workout plan.

8) Change Macronutrient Intake: Another effective method to lose the last 10 pounds and meet your weight loss goal is to alter your macronutrient ratios.

At times, all you need to do is make a small change in the amounts protein, fats and carbohydrates that you eat; this may just be what you need to lose the last 10 pounds.

7 Main Causes of Back Pain

Back pain refers to the pain felt in any part of the back like lower, upper or neck. It is a common problem among adults and may have different causes. Sometimes, it is quite difficult to diagnose the real cause of back pain. Strained muscles and ligaments caused by the awkward movement of body can cause back pain. There are several causes for generating and aggravating back pain.

The 7 main causes of back pain are:

1. Arthritis: Arthritis in spine is a common cause of back pain, especially in adults. The pain may be felt anywhere in the back and gets worse while walking and at night. As the condition degenerates the affected area cannot be cured. Exercises like yoga, tai chi and gentle movement can reduce the pain. Different types of arthritis that may cause back pain include:

Osteoarthritis: Cartilage that cushions the joints get damaged, bones rub each other causing back pain and stiffness.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: The joints inflame, thicken and get damaged causing back pain.

Ankylosing Spondylitis: The area of spine is attacked leading to stiffness of spine and inflammation causing back pain.

Fibromyalgia: The tender points of the spine like neck, shoulders and hips experience mucoskeletal pain and fatigue resulting in sleeping disorder, headaches, numbness of limbs and depression.

Osteoporosis: The bones become thin and brittle leading to compression fracture of vertebrae resulting in back pain. The vertebral column becomes so weak that it cannot withstand minor stress.

2. Obesity: Obese people experience back pain frequently. The pain is felt in the neck and lower back. Weight loss can help in reducing this type of back pain.

3. Sleeping Posture: The position and surface on which one sleeps may cause back pain, such as hard surfaces and mattresses. The soft surface tends to put strain on the spine. Some positional changes can reduce this type of back pain.

4. Improper Seating: Back pain can be caused by sitting in an improper position for a prolonged period of time. Maintaining a good and straight posture, using ergonomically designed chairs, taking break for few minutes every hour and stretching helps to cure such back pain.

5. Spine Disc Damage: There are back pains that are caused by damage in the discs of the spine. As a result, the nerves get pinched causing constant back pain. Upper back pain is caused by herniated or damaged discs.

6. Pregnancy and Menstrual Period: Women who are pregnant or in the middle of a menstrual period often complain of lower back pain. During pregnancy the enlarged belly stretches the spine, resulting in back pain.

7. Injury: Injury to the back may happen from an accident or a torn rotator calf in the shoulder. During accidents the body receives large amount of energy or shock within a small period that damages the muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Other factors like tumors in spine, diabetes, spinal stenosis, body mechanics and age factors may cause back pain. Regular exercise and weight loss measures are recommended to avoid injury and stress. Strengthening the abdominal muscle through exercise often helps in combating lower back pain. It is important to diagnose the causes of back pain to get appropriate treatment.

Easy ways to get firm breast

Recently, several active ingredients have been announced formulated specifically for helping firm and tighten loose breast skin. Most recently, Bio-Bustyl was introduced as a professional strength, advanced polypeptide. It's properties include metabolism stimulation which heightens collagen synthesis, firming, and rejuvenation of skin cell development and growth.

The first stage of a breast care program is knowing your breasts and knowing what you can achieve. With exercise you are going to be able to improve the shape and firmness of your breasts. An increase in size can also be expected, but exercise works on the muscles tissue below the mammary glands and will not work on the actual breasts themselves.

Some women swear by this formula to tighten and firm the breasts: Mix a teaspoon of Vitamin E oil with one egg and regular yogurt. Massage into breasts for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water.

It is a firm (and true) belief that men go crazy for firm breasts and in other case, where the breasts are not so firm and are saggy or drooping, they are just 'not so happening' to men. The man gets his sex hormone rushing in his bloodstream that makes him so arousing when he explores some gorgeous lady with beautiful busts.

When there is unresolved tension and stress in our daily lives, it can end up creating continuous muscular tension. Tension creates a build up of toxins in the body. High levels of toxicity can lead to breast cancer and will prevent herbal breast nutrients from reaching the breast tissue cells. A breast massage will also help to balance the hormones in the endocrine system.

There are a number of factors behind gynecomastia that would prompt a man to consider male breast reduction surgery. The most common causes of this condition include puberty, steroid abuse, obesity, tumors, genetic disorders, chronic liver disease, castration, Klinefelter Syndrome, Gilbert's Syndrome or the natural aging process.

But you need not to worry too much about it and there are breast exercises which would go to make your breast look firm and beautiful. But, what are these breast exercises and how it can be done, we will let you know. But before that let's discuss that what problems women are having regarding their breast?

Breast enhancement exercise mostly allows women to firm up the breast. It really won’t do much for the shape or size of the breast. They will just “stand up” a little better, because you have built up the muscle underneath the breast. Performing breast exercise with a herbal breast enhancement plan, will yield far better results.

All these have serious effects on women bust line, but there are things which you can do to regain your firmer boobs. Your breast can look firm even when you are breastfeeding your baby, over weight or as you get old. All of these won't be any hindrance to get firmer boobs if you know what you are doing.

The breasts are the only organs that are situated out of the women's body frame and hence, they face lots of difficulties that come from the earth's gravitational force. This is the force that keeps pulling breasts down and after some time, they sag or droop.

How to deal with hair loss

Perhaps you have noticed that you are losing more hair than usual when combing or brushing your hair or you may have noticed that you are seeing more of your scalp when you look in the mirror. If this is the case, you are probably having some form hair loss. Anyone-adult males and females and even children can suffer from hair loss. Some people choose to cover their thinning hair with various hairstyles, wigs, toupes or hats. Others look for a great hair loss product to solve the problem. Before partaking in any of these treatment options, you should visit your doctor and discuss with him the possible cause and the best possible treatments available for your particular type of hair loss.

Medically speaking, hair loss is called alopecia. Pattern baldness is called androgenetic alopecia, which is the most typical type of hair loss that affects nearly one-third of all adults of both sexes. This type of hair loss is permanent.

Male pattern baldness can begin as early as the teen years for many men. This type of hair loss involves thinning at the hairline and balding on the crown of the head. It often results in either partial or complete baldness. Female pattern baldness usually is limited to a woman having thinning hair but the hair line itself is typically not affected. Women do not normally lose all of their hair with this condition.

There are many treatments available for people who are losing their hair. Drug therapy has been in use since the 1980s and it is a popular choice of treatment for the management of hair loss. There are drugs available today that are thought to slow the progression of hair loss symptoms. Many people also use herbal remedies to combat thinning hair. Some of the herbs used are believed to cause some moderate hair regrowth. Many doctors will tell their patients who are losing hair to be sure to eat a well-balanced diet and to partake in regular and vigorous exercise. It is thought that this keeps insulin levels low and reduces chronic inflammation which may assist in preserving hair.

Hair transplantation is the treatment choice for many men who suffer from male pattern baldness. This involves transplanting hair follicles from the back and the sides of the heat to the bald and thinning areas. These follicles will grow hair for a lifetime due to the fact that they are genetically resistant to going bald. Today's techniques involve transplanting several hairs in a group to achieve a natural look.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Men and Women Benefit from Use of a Laser Hair Brush

For both men and women 18 years old and older there is now a home use, hand-held laser hair brush that can improve the look of your hair. If your genetics are signaling that you will most likely lose hair when older, it is never too early to start treatment. The earlier begin, the more likely you are to save your hair. Once you have assessed the reason for your thinning hair or hair loss, and have determined that there are no open sores or other scalp diseases, you are ready to start your low level laser therapy.

Consult an Expert

A quality laser hair brush manufacturer is an expert in the practice and administration of laser hair restoration and can advise if this treatment option is a viable solution for your current state of hair loss. Hair loss is progressive, and anything done to slow down that loss can be considered positive. It should be noted that the low level laser hair therapy used in a laser hair brush is not a cure, but a treatment option to be considered. It is most successfully administered along with a regimen of low sudsing shampoo, non buildup conditioning product and vitamins specific to male or female hair health. Additionally scalp nutrients and the use of a shower filter that successfully reduces chlorine helps aid the process.

Just as all living things grow with the help of sunlight, your hair can benefit from concentrated levels of light. The cool levels of laser light used in the new laser hair brush is safe and involves only light, not heat. This laser hair re-growth procedure is non-invasive, painless, and has no known side effects as long as you choose a device that follows FDA guidelines. In fact, laser hair brushes are often used in conjunction with hair restoration surgery as a healing method because of its skin repairing properties. Surgery and prescription medications can be much more costly, and not as safe. Since many of the medications that treat thinning hair are not prescribed to women, use of a laser hair brush is often the best option for female hair-loss patients.

How Does the New Laser Hair Brush Work?

The new laser hair brushes with rows of diode lasers use a patented, hand held device which enables coverage of the entire scalp through the use of up to 17 diodes that are calibrated to precisely deliver consistent laser light at an optimum distance from each hair follicle. Low level light therapy or LLLT is referred to as a cold laser because it does not have any heat components. It is also described as a low-power laser, soft laser, or therapeutic laser. The laser stimulates the follicles on the scalp helping to increase energy production thereby reducing the effects of protein blocking DHT enzymes, promoting hair thickness and density. This improved cell metabolism eliminates oxygen free radicals and improves blood flow to all treated areas. This non-invasive, painless laser treatment can make hair look fuller and shinier. Most people see results in as few as 6 to 8 weeks of laser therapy, but each user’s response varies on an individual basis, depending on their personal hair loss history.

LLLT administered to the scalp has been shown to improve the health of existing hair as well as stimulate new hair growth and stop hair loss. In the current age of men and women wanting to look younger and feel more confident in the workplace as well as social circles, the laser hair brush seems to be the best method of obtaining all of this.

Try Phentramin-D for losing weight quick and easy

Phentramin-D without any doubt is the most potent diet pill you can buy online or anywhere else. If you are the one who has tried every trick in the book to get rid of extra weight and still you are unable to achieve anything substantial, its time to buy Phentramin-D. Phentramin-D is a FDA approved drug. The key ingredients of Phentramin-D diet pills are 1, 3 dimethlypentylamine hydrochloride and 1, 3, 7 trimethlyxanthine. These two makes Phentramin-D a very powerful drug with absolutely no side effects.

How Phentramin-D works
Phentramin-D works by burning fat quickly and by reducing the appetite of a person. While it reduces the appetite it also increases the energy level of the body. Increasing the energy level is very important for controlling appetite. The constituents of Phentramin-D directly impacts the nervous system for reducing appetite, simultaneously it also increases the metabolic activities in the body. Metabolic activities are chemical reactions that give energy to the living organism. With the increase in these reactions it is very obvious that since the body is getting enough energy for normal functioning it does not require food to generate energy, which in turn will help in sustaining reduced appetite.

Benefits of using Phentramin-D
• Fast and permanent weight loss – Phentramin-D helps in reducing weight quickly and permanently by burning fat rapidly.
• Control in appetite – Phentramin-D helps in controlling appetite. Controlling appetite is very important for achieving any significant reduction in weight. If you can’t eat less, no matter how much fat you burn during workout, it will always come back. Burning fat through physical exercise only works when it is accompanied by reduced appetite. There is also a danger of increased appetite due to heavy workout, since body is burning more fat than it is normally used to. To compensate this loss of fat, normally the urge to eat more food is increased, which in turn leads to more weight gain. Phentramin-D prevents this thing from happening.

• Increase in energy level and metabolic activities in the body – Phentramin-D increases the normal energy level of the body. You will not feel lethargic, on the contrary you will feel energetic then ever before. Phentramin-D also increases the rate of metabolic activities in the body. Metabolic activities increase the energy level of the body, since these reactions are the prime energy source of our body.

Phentramin-D is completely free from any kind of side effects
There are absolutely no side effects of using Phentramin-D, since its key ingredients are genuine and completely harmless diet suppressants. However, you must remember Phentramin-d is not capable of reducing weight single handedly. An individual can only reduce weight quickly if he or she combines diet pills with proper workout.

Phentramin-D is a FDA approved drug.Try Phentramin-D for losing weight quick and easy. Phentramin-d without any doubt is the most potent diet pill you can buy online. Phentramin-D is a FDA approved drug.

Acai Force Max - Natural Muscle Builder

Are you worried that your friends are no longer inviting you to their parties and even those who are extremely close to you are shunning you? It is high time you faced the bitter reality that you are obese. It is not a hidden secret that few persons in the world like obese persons and generally shun them.

It was not too long back when you boasted of a slim, fit, and muscular figure and that you were the one whom girls used to eye whenever you went to a party. However, there is no need for you to worry. Nearly 70% of Americans are obese. This does not mean that all of them spend their entire time sitting within the confines of their home. Arguably, one can opt in for surgery to get rid of their extra fat, but is there any guarantee that the surgical procedures will not leave any marks on your skin? Apart from that, surgery does not come cheap.

There are also a number of allopathic drugs, but quite a few of them are known to cause the patient to suffer from side effects. This is the time for you to leave your worries aside and try out the magic of herbal medications like acai force max. Since acai force is composed of totally natural herbs with the main ingredient being the concentrated extract of the Brazilian acai berry, there are no questions of side effects. You will be amazed to see how fast it burns down your extra fat and permits your body to tone down.

When the food you eat is digested by your system properly, natural muscle development starts taking place due to your day to day activity. You will also feel an increase in your energy levels once you start talking acai force max on a regular basis. Acai force max is not magic so do not expect it to show results in just 24 hours. Nothing apart from painful surgery can accomplish this feat.

However, check back into your reflection on the mirror one week after starting your course of acai max. Be prepared for a surprise when you see the reflection of your body.

Secret to Six-Pack Abs Revealed

Fat Loss Revealed

Abs Workout

If you sincerely devote yourself to getting fit, you will be rewarded with flat abs. Closest to the surface are the internal and external obliques, which turn the trunk and provide the body with rotation and lateral movement. The best way to lose belly fat
and get those six-pack abs is through proper diet and exercise. The very deepest layer is the transversus abdominis, which acts as the body's girdle, providing support and stability and plays a critical role in exhalation. Abdominal muscles respond in the same way as other muscle groups. Exercise is another way to get rid of fat, especially belly fat and helps achieve that flat belly and six-pack abs figure.

Exercise Routines

To avoid gym rush, there are some alternative exercises routines to reduce fat and develop abdominal muscle into shape that does not require gym equipment and facilities. Just remember, when we talk about developing the abs, exercises alone aren't enough.

FLR comes to the rescue

William D. Brink claims that one size does not fit all. Brink says "that if the diet does not specify to the person's body type, age, sex and other factors, will deliver no result".

Fat Loss Revealed (FLR) Program in capsule:

- Does not condemn the use of food supplement but shows the acceptable ones.
- Helps you to overcome and constantly break past any weight loss plateau.

Exercises You can Do At Home

- Bicycle.
- Long Arm Crunch.

- Plank.

Increasing the amount of repetitions that you perform each week by 2, until you can comfortably perform 20 reps of each abdominal exercise will be good.

You can have all of these benefits by ordering the Fat Loss Revealed (FLR) Program manual.

Cellulite Cream can cause cancer

I have heard this word not once but a number of times, where people ask me can cellulite creams that are very much in use today cause cancer.

And the answer to it was a very prompt “yes”. Many of the companies used a substance called urocamic acid, which improves the smoothness of the skin, but it ends up promoting the formation of cancers.

In 1990, it was reported that the major prestigious cosmetic companies had to withdraw many of their cellulite cream and lotion products. Why, because they contained the substance, urocamic acid, which was included to improve the smoothness of the skin but ended up promoting the formation of cancers instead.

Now a days the use of urocamic acid is no where to be seen in any of the cellulite creams and therefore are considered to be very safe to use.

So women all over the world if you are fearing that celluite cream may cause cancer then don’t fear anymore, because it is completely safe to use cellulite creams, it is just a word of the past.

Early Detection Can Avert Ovarian Cyst Pregnancy

Being an expectant mother is one of the joyous moments in a woman's life. Being able to bring forth life is such a blessing and a wonderful opportunity as not all women are lucky enough to have a child. There are couples who are not fortunate to have a child maybe because of some reproductive issues. You may be capable of having a baby, but there is still something that you have to worry about - ovarian cyst pregnancy.

The rise of Ovarian Cyst Miracle pregnancy has brought concern to some expecting moms. Once you discovered that you are suffering from cyst on ovary, your happiness will suddenly turn into fear. Many pregnant women only find out they have ovarian cyst later in its stages because the symptoms are hard to detect early on. The cyst may disappear in its first few weeks but if it continues to grow, then you certainly would have a difficult pregnancy.

Proper medication may help you in removing the cyst. But most of the time, the cyst will still remain in your ovary and causes you so much pain during your pregnancy. Expecting moms with ovarian cyst will experience an unusually heavy load and pelvic discomfort.

The cyst may not affect the growth of your baby. However, if the cyst continues to grow there is a strong possibility of physical problems resulting from ruptured ovarian cyst. You will then suffer an extreme pain and untimely labor.

It is important that you seek medical help as soon as possible once you discovered that you are suffering from ovarian cyst pregnancy. It is definitely not easy for the doctor to administer treatment while taking into consideration the condition of your unborn child. The prescriptions made by the doctor are safe for both you and your little angel. This translates to an expensive medical bill.

What are the best things you can do once you discovered you have cyst on ovary? The good thing is ovarian cyst treatment is quite easy to avail these days. Ovarian Cyst Miracle on ovaries can be averted early using appropriate medications. Natural products are also an excellent method of medication to reduce the pain caused by the cyst.

But keep in mind that these are just ways to treat the problem temporarily and not the definitive solution in removing your cyst. But of course you would need these helpful remedies during the critical period in carrying your baby to ease ovarian cyst pregnancy. So make sure that you visit your gynecologist for regular checkups.

The Right Solution to Snoring and Sleep Apnea, Pillar Procedure

There are many people who suffer from snoring and sleep apnea. This problem is cause for deep concern to not only you but also your partner. The sound of snoring can be disturbing to those around you. Sometimes it can cause you to sleep in isolation which can disturb you mentally. There are many centers with qualified medical practitioners which can help you overcome such problems. After going through a thorough examination, doctor will advise you with the best treatment methods which include both surgical and non-surgical.

If you live in Houston, you can enjoy the facilities offered by treatment centers which have expert professionals who perform this procedure. The doctor at the facility first identifies the causes for air airway obstruction leading to snoring. Once your condition is assessed, the doctor may recommend you pillar procedure. In most cases, snoring is caused by fluttering of the soft palate and the uvula. This treatment works by stiffening the soft palate so as to reduce its vibration. It is performed under local anesthesia whereby sleep apnea doctor Houston places three small pillars having a 2 mm diameter inside the soft palate thereby causing scarring to stiffen the palate. It is one of the latest and effective techniques for treating snoring and sleep apnea cause by obstructive airways. This method is minimally invasive and is approved by FDA.

This procedure is basically aimed at treating snoring and cases of sleep apnea. Though it is the latest available technique for treating snoring, it has been endorsed by many people all over the world. Done under local anesthetic, this procedure is comparatively painless and requires little time to complete. It can be done in 20 minutes flat. As such, your daily schedule need not be disturbed by undergoing this treatment.

Many of such health facilities in Houston also offer treatments ENT related problems such as nasal blockage, allergy, and sinus. Drop in to one of these centers offering comprehensive treatment packages. Ear nose throat Houston first will diagnose the causes of your nasal complaints and then offers surgical or medical solutions for your problems.

Fruit Nutrition Facts for a healthier liver

Look at Fruit Nutrition Facts to help you with liver problems. It is well known that a healthy and balanced diet is good practice for maintaining a healthy liver.

The liver is critically important for our body and on top of that, the liver affects the efficiency of many other parts of our body as well. To maintain a healthy body, look at the fruit nutrition facts to determine food values, then determine what you should be adding or removing from your diet.

If you are concern with the health of your liver, you should also be concerned with the fruit nutrition facts and the nutritional values in vegetable. The liver requires a good supply of vitamins and minerals to function properly. A good fruit nutrition facts table can help you determine what foods are better for you.

A liver that has been abused by poor nutritional meals or other conditions, could benefit and even regenerate itself with a well balanced plan, according to some researchers. A fruit nutrition facts value chart can be useful in determining what makes a healthy and balanced diet plan. The liver can be cleaned from toxic substances by eating some of the items listed in the fruit nutrition facts table. Eating fruits that are yellow, red, or orange may prevent liver problem in the future. Compare the fruit nutrition facts of this these fruits to others.

Check the fruit nutrition facts for fruits and vegetable that contain antioxidants. They can help clean the liver and give it a boost. A liver that gets all the benefit of a well balanced meal that is heavy on fruits and vegetable, may have a grater chance of staying healthy. With the help of a fruit nutrition facts and vegetables nutritional value list, you can make better decisions for your health.

Milk thistle has been used for thousands of years to help people with liver problems. This plant has substances that are said to help the liver regenerate its cells. The liver can also be helped by consuming vegetables and fruits that show in the fruit nutrition facts with good amounts of vitamins, minerals and have good amounts of antioxidants.

There are other conditions that can affect the liver as well. A fruit nutrition facts table is a good way to start your plan. Take a fruit nutrition facts chart to your next grocery trip and note the items available to you. Your liver is a key organ and we should do all we can to keep it healthy. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables that the fruit nutrition facts chart show high in nutritional value, will do it good.

You can find additional information like fruit nutrition facts, in the links provided. Make sure to check other fruit nutrition facts and vegetables sources of information. This information will be very helpful for you to become more aware of the values of the foods you now eat, and what you should stay away from in the future.

What Is Severe Heartburn

If you have read any of my previous articles, you should have a good understand of heartburn and some of its causes. However, some people suffer from severe heartburn. In this case, you might be suffering from the complications of heartburn. This article will help you understand what is severe heartburn.

You might have experienced occasional heartburn. Some of us experience heartburn once in a long time, or even up to several times a week. However, if you have noticed that your heartburn becomes very frequent and it causes more pain and discomfort than ever, you might be suffering from severe heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

There are some tell tale signs that will warn you of gastroesophageal reflux disease. The main symptom of GERD is heartburn. Hence, if your heartburn frequency increases and the problems you are facing causes much more trouble in your daily life, you should start seeking treatment. Usually, people with GERD will experience frequent pain in the chest aside from the burning feeling at their throats. Also, they face problems like insomnia, swallowing problems and faint tastes of acid at the back of their tongue.

What is severe heartburn? Many Americans suffer from heartburn occasionally. However, it does not occur with such frequency that it interferes with your life. This is not the case for severe heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Americans who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease experience huge inconveniences. For example, most of them will have to stop consuming certain foods and stop exercising due to the discomfort. The constant burning and sore throat also causes sleeping and swallowing problems.

While the common heartburn can cause some irritation, severe heartburn or GERD can cause worse complications such as Esophagitis, Barrett’s Esophagus, Strictures or even Esophageal Cancer. When our stomach acid constantly comes into contact with the lining of our esophagus, it can cause erosion or esophagus ulcers. This results in bleeding of the esophagus which is also known as Esophagitis. As for Barrett’s Esophagus, it is caused by long term GERD. It is a condition that puts patients at risk of Esophageal Cancer. Lastly, strictures cause the narrowing of the esophagus. For serious cases, food and drinks that you swallow will not be able to reach your stomach.

There are many causes of heartburn. Thirty to forty percent of adults have experienced occasional heartburn. However, there are also some people who suffer from very frequent heartburn. Due to the inconvenience caused, most constant sufferers will search for ways to cure their discomfort. Without a good understanding, it will not be easy to find a cure. If you are suffering from heartburn, you must know what causes heartburn before you seek a cure for it.

Heartburn is directly caused by the acid in your stomach. The burning sensation that you feel at your throat is caused by the damage that the acid is doing to your throat. Our stomach produces strong acid to help us digest the food that we eat. Under normal circumstances, the acid will not be able to move up our esophagus. However, when the muscle that prevents the acid from moving up does not function normally, heartburn occurs.

Now that you understand the direct cause of heartburn, you should also know some common indirect causes to heartburn. This will help you understand what causes heartburn better.

Vitamin K's True Health Benefits

It's green, it's valuable, and it can vastly improve your quality of living. One more hint: It's not money. No, this stuff actually does grow on trees. It's called Vitamin K and although you don't hear about it as often as the standard A-through-E vitamins, researchers are discovering more and more of its invaluable functions. The truth is, Vitamin K is packed with nutrients and benefits for almost anyone who ingests it.

Vitamin K will provide you with health rather than wealth, but there's no mistaking that it's loaded with benefits. Aside from its many already proven functions, researchers now believe that Vitamin K prevents osteoporosis, the disease that weakens the bones, a function that until now seemed primarily in calcium's hands. Vitamin K + Calcium, in fact, might be your best bet in the fight against osteoporosis, some research suggests.

The fat-soluble vitamin is essential for many suffering health problems, particularly those experiencing birth complications or bleeding disorders. Vitamin K has been linked to growth and development of the new-born and has also aided those with intestinal malfunctions and those who suffer frequent nosebleeds and excessive bleeding. Vitamin K supplementation should never be used with newborns, however (unless specifically directed by a physician).

Everybody needs Vitamin K in his or her system. Deficiency in this vitamin will affect the development process of infants, leading to problems like Hemorrhagic disease, which is characterized by abnormal bleeding through the intestines or umbilical cord. In adults, these deficiencies lead to severe blood clotting, particularly in the stomach, and can lead to considerable intestinal complications. The lack of Vitamin K can seen as akin to Vitamin A through E deficiencies - all of the vitamins and minerals are necessary and essential to a healthy life.

Vitamin K is most commonly found in green leaf-like sources such as spinach, green tea, cabbage, turnip greens, and brussels sprouts. Other foods, like alfalfa, soybeans, cheddar cheese, oats, and cauliflower are also rich on the vitamin. So if you're a big salad eater, chances are that you're getting a very healthy dose of Vitamin K on a pretty regular basis.

While Vitamin K is important and beneficial to the system, it is possible to have too much. Overdoses of Vitamin K, which are extremely rare, have been linked to brain damage in infants and toddlers, and liver malfunctions in adults. Aside from the aforementioned natural sources, Vitamin K is also available in tablets and should be taken with meals - or ingested an hour after the completion of a meal.

How to Stay Smart After Quitting Cigarettes

Thin has been in for a while now and most people who quit smoking worry about gaining weight. Unfortunately cigarette does help with weight management to some degree and adding 5 to 10 pounds of weight is normal when you quit smoking. The good news is that there are ways to prevent the weight gain associated with smoking cessation. You can have the best of both worlds. Live a cigarette free healthy life.

Let's look at the three major factors that contribute to weight gain as result of smoking cessation:

• Metabolism - Smoking causes increase in metabolism and it causes the body to burn calories at slightly accelerated rate. Generally we are talking about extra 100 to 200 calories burnt as a smoker and that much more to burn through if you've quit. You can easily burn 200 calories with 20 minute power walk or if you prefer to walk at a lighter pace you may walk 30 minutes instead. Walking will not only keep your weight in check but it will also keep you healthy.

• Appetite - You will have a better appetite after you've quit smoking. This is because nicotine suppresses appetite. When you quit smoking, you are actually going back to your natural appetite level instead of the artificially suppressed appetite state that nicotine induces. In an age where we are surrounded by junk foods everywhere, self control has a lot more to do with weight management than a light increase in appetite. Personally I've met one too many people who blame quitting cigarette for weight gain instead of trying to eat healthier. Bottom line, you can eat more to satisfy your increased appetite. You just have to eat healthy and it's as simple as that. Vegetable, fruit, low-fat chips, fat free snacks, and water just to name a few things you can satisfy your appetite with.

• Stress Eating - Many of us eat to release stress out of our system and food can also be emotionally comforting. Quitting smoking can be quite stressful for many and when you tie stress eating with it, substantial weight gain is possible. Even if stress involved is minimal, you'll inevitably feel the void left by your smoking habit. You can minimize these effects by exercising. Exercise exerts its effects on the brain through several mechanisms, including mood enhancement, endorphin release, neurogenesis, and it's even been touted from treat depression to improve memory. It may sound too good to be true, but you really can prevent or minimize the negative effects that come with quitting smoking by exercising.

Staying thin by continuing to smoke is not the answer. You can live a healthy life, cigarette free by improving self control and exercising 20 to 30 minutes a day, 4 to 6 days a week. Give yourself a chance at a better life, today.

Top Three Strength Weight Training Exercises

Any well rounded physical fitness plan will incorporate strength weight training into a cycle along with muscle building and endurance building exercises. Training for strength will be a key factor in reaching the next level in your goals for increasing your muscle mass. The work in a cycle with one another in a kind of circular benefit system. You will get stronger if you work on building muscle and a key to how build muscle is by getting stronger. Thus both are necessary to maximizing you potential both areas of physical fitness.

We certainly know about trends and fads in the physical fitness world. We make it our job to pay attention to what is up and coming and evaluate it with the same test basic test we apply to everything. Does it work? And, does it work better than what we're already doing? If not, we consider it to be either bull crap or less than the best. We don't like trading the best for good.

What I'm talking about is the latest increase in the popularity of Olympic weight lifting. Now, as far as our tests are concerned they were easy with this one because we already have an incredible amount of data on Olympic weight lifting exercises because it is what we have heavily relying on to produce incredible results from our beginning. What we mean by Olympic weight lifting exercises are both the exercises performed in Olympic weight lifting competition and the exercises used to train for Olympic weight lifting competition.

Exercises used in competition are the Clean and Press, the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch. Some of the best exercises that are used to train for these events are Dead Lifts, Squats, Bench and Military Presses, Rows, Dips and Chin / Pull Ups. There is something these exercises have in common. They all incorporate multiple muscle groups into one lift or exercise.

The reason these are so beneficial to the Olympic Competitor is because they are the best kinds of exercises for building massive strength. Have you ever seen a 180 lb guy lift 400 lbs over his head on a straight bar? That is the definition of strength. Training to use you bodies muscles together not only better builds total strength, it also better builds a more functional strength and a more explosive strength.

What we mean by functional strength is a strength that is easily transfer into life outside of the gym. It is how effectively you can control, manipulate and use your body to perform tasks. Whether it is work, sport, sex etc. Explosive strength is just as it sounds the ability to burst into action. You will notice benefits from these kinds of strength in all areas of your life.

Are you football weight training?, Hockey?, Golf?, MMA?, Wrestling?, Baseball?, etc. You people need to pay attention to the information in this article. Bursting into a tackle, straight arming to break a tackle or leaping to make a catch all require functional explosive strength. Increasing checking or slap shot power, increasing distance on the links, Getting the edge over your opponent in a fight or wrestling match and the difference between a pop fly out and an HR or getting or not getting burned by a fastball is functional explosive strength. Do you want to be the best at what you do? Train for functional explosive strength.

So we said we would give you our top three exercises for building strength. We'll give'm to you as if they would all be in one workout so as to make a complete body routine. They would be the clean and press, the seated row and bench press. Really, there is not a best one. They are all tremendous exercises and they should all be incorporated into your routine but this is one combination you can try.

Remember, to really benefit in the strength department, keep you weight high. You shouldn't be able to do more than 2 reps per exercises. Get plenty of rest at night and be sure to eat to support your goal. If your goal is increased strength be sure to not short change your self on total daily calories and carbs. They will be another big key to reaching the goals you have for yourself for strength.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Free Tips To Lose Weight

It's a fact that at least 98% of the people who start a fat loss program are unable to complete it. This is either because they aren't following the proper methods to really transform their body or because they lack the willpower and discipline needed to get there.

These people find some free tips to lose weight online or in magazines and believe that the pounds will simply melt away. In truth, it simply does not work like that.

You can increase your fat burning results by including these following 6 free tips to lose weight
into your program.

Free Tips to Lose Weight #1: Increase your intake of protein.

Protein helps you build and maintain lean muscle tissue. Muscle is a metabolically active tissue, and so the lean muscle mass in your body will burn calories all on its own, apart from improving your physique.

Protein makes you feel full after a meal. It also makes the body burn more calories during the digestive process since it's not as easy to break down as carbs or fats.

Free Tips to Lose Weight #2: Find a workout regime that you like.

For example, if you don't like to run, don't incorporate it into your program as the main exercise; this is because you will eventually get discouraged and stop exercising altogether.

At the very least, you should change up your routine and add exercises that you like to do in order to keep yourself motivated. A good mix of weight training, low intensity cardio, and high intensity cardio is the best way to go.

Free Tips to Lose Weight #3: Remain enthused.

If you have a day or two where you just can't make it to the gym or can't find the motivation to stick to your diet plan, don't beat yourself up over it. Give yourself a day off, and then begin on your weight loss program as soon as possible.

Weight loss isn't something you can choose to do for a couple of weeks in order to look good at a reunion or fit into a bikini; it is a lifelong process.Weight loss has to be a part of your lifestyle for the long haul if you really want to make it work.

Free Tips to Lose Weight #4: Consume a proper balance of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

It's true that proteins burn fat, but your body also requires high quality carbohydrates and healthy fats. "Zero carbs" or "zero fat" fad diets are really only marketing hype; don't allow yourself to be swayed by them.

Just about every meal that you eat should have a balance of lean protein and natural carbohydrates; some healthy fat sources should also be included in a few of your daily meals.

Free Tips to Lose Weight #5: Healthy carbohydrates don't include sugared cereals, white bread, and white rice.

Alternatively, you should choose healthy carbs found in natural starchy sources and green fibrous vegetables; these are high in fiber and don't trigger your insulin responseas quickly.

Green fibrous veggies such as cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, and celery should be a part of your diet. Some good starchy carbohydrates are oatmeal, yams, whole grain breads, whole grain cereals, and potatoes.

Free Tips to Lose Weight #6: Some fats are good for you.

Just ensure that you eat the right fats. Healthy, unsaturated fats increase your body's rate of fat burning and provide you with a whole host of health benefits; these should be included in your diet.

You can include cold water fish, nuts, seeds, avocado, and healthy oils such as olive and flaxseed oils in your diet as these are excellent sources of healthy fats.

Get Clear Skin

You may well perhaps befall wondering if a prescription is desired to bad purchase a skin condition eradication behavior?

Practically are countless a skin condition eradication products with the intention of you can bad purchase from lone drug food. A a small number of of these products cream of the crop extract the grease from the skin therefore preventing expand clogging of the pores. You can all the rage addition bad purchase fading creams.

Pardon? Are these products based on to remove bacteria?

You may well perhaps befall wondering if a prescription is desired to bad fall for a skin condition eradication behavior?

Come close to are countless a skin condition eradication products with the purpose of you can bad fall for from individual drug food. A a small number of of these products superior extract the oil from the skin therefore preventing added clogging of the pores. You can taking part in addition bad fall for fading creams.

Pardon? Are these products based on to remove bacteria?

The biggest part of these products are based on benzoyl lessen, salicylic acid before in addition Apha-hydroxy. Lone mania to remember however just the once using these products is to start with a smaller concentration of benzoyl lessen, take comment on how your skin reacts to the foodstuffs on with the purpose of stage growth the concentration if needs befall.

These products contain ingredients with the purpose of are enemies of bacteria making them prodigious clothed taking part in the fight affecting a skin condition. You may well perhaps be alive inflicted with to try uncommon types of a skin condition products clothed taking part in order to catch a peep of which lone machinery peak taking part in increase of your a skin condition.

Are come close to other seats someplace realm can bad fall for these products beside the drug food?

Indeed a skin condition eradication products can taking part in addition befall found clothed taking part in many grocery food and a a small number of convenient food. You can taking part in addition bad fall for them online since the biggest part well famous companies be alive inflicted with their online food.

Pardon? Are the natural ways to fight a skin condition?

If you decide to fight a skin condition organically, you exhibit to know with the purpose of it is lone of the peak way to energy taking part in this area it. Natural state remedies superior not injury your skin and is taking part in addition quite able.

A a small number of natural ingredients such as honey, strawberries, tea tree oil toil wonderfully clothed taking part in treating a skin condition and taking part in addition help a skin condition scars disappear. You have to to permanently happen as expected not permitted an allergic test taking part in increase of allergic reactions earlier you proceed further.

The other valuable aspect of natural a skin condition remedies is you can undoubtedly trust these ingredients into a paste and apply on the be alive taking part in front of like a mask. If the natural way fails to assign rotten results, you have to to visit your dermatologist taking part in increase of a added seeing that it be supposed to be alive solution.

Top 5 Must-Avoid Components In Anti Aging Skin Care

Consumers hate it when the antiaging skin cream they trust is just telling a lie especially when beauty products claim they are the best anti aging skin care only to find out that they have components in them that does more harm than good to the skin. To know the ingredients that are in the antiaging skin cream, see the component label at the back of the product and if it contains one of the ingredients that we mention, be very careful.


Paraffin, also known as mineral oil, or petroleum jelly are added on an antiaging skin cream as filler which makes these products incredibly cheap that unsuspicious consumers buy them. Paraffin is not good for anti aging skin care because it clogs the skin pores and chokes it as a result.

Beauty creams with paraffin give more harm than good to the consumer that lesions and pimples are experienced by the sufferers. With constant irritation, a paraffin-induced epidermis ages faster than normal, making it look tired and stressed.


Paraben is used as a preservative to antiaging skin cream to prolong its shelf life and this component comes in many names including butyl, propyl, ethyl, and methyl paraben. Manufacturers put paraben in their products to increase time because they could display it on the store's shelves longer as beauty products with shorter expiry period are bad to the sales.

In effect, prolonged use of paraben increases chances of skin cancers and destroys body's endocrine balance. It will also give dermal allergies.


The most common alcohol in some anti aging skin care creams are isopropyl and ethyl, ethanol, benzyl, and SD which at first, gives a soothing feel on the skin and absorbs the dirt away from the skin pores. But alcohol also strips the moisture away from the body and it weakens skin acidity making the face a breeding ground for pimple-causing bacteria.


This artificial copycat of coconut cream is a popular substance in some anti aging skin care products and not surprisingly, these creams claim that this component adds moisture to the skin. The sad part is when the body absorbs high amounts of this component, it has side effects and prove that, the State of California just recently found out that dioxane causes skin cancer and other types of dermal infection.


Scents are another component that one must be cautious about in anti aging skin care products and it is true that in minimal amounts, scents are good to make cream smell good. In large amounts however, scents or fragrances induces high risks of toxicity and cancer to the skin which a buyer must be critical about.

Paraffin, paraben, alcohol, dioxane, and scents are surprisingly still part of cosmetic products up to this day.

A wise consumer will avail only of the best antiaging skin cream for the face and body making sure that it only contains the natural ingredients that can give that youthful glow without effort. It is a good decision to invest only on the best anti aging skin care for face and body.

Free Weight Loss Info

If you want some free weight loss info that will really help you lose body fat, then you should read below about how calories work.

The body needs energy to perform everyday tasks. In fact, even the daily functioning of our internal organs needs energy. All our daily activities use up some amount of energy from our bodies.

The energy that we need to perform everyday tasks comes from the calories that we take in when we eat. If your body is a car, then the calories/food that you consume is the fuel. Without gas, we won't have the energy to carry out simple everyday tasks. Contrarily, too much gas will lead to tank overflow.

Free Weight Loss Info: What happens to the calories once they are consumed?

The following two things can happen to the calories that are consumed:

First, as soon as the calories are consumed, they are turned into energy that will be used to fuel the body.

The other is that the calories are stored for future use.

Overfilling the tank all the time leads to a large surplus, and this has to be stored somewhere, ending up on the hips, thighs, and stomach. It is necessary to resist the temptation to fill our tanks every day; in this way, we can begin utilizing the stored calories.

You can reach your desired levels of body fat by consistently using just a little bit of that excess each and every day. To put it simply, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn as energy everyday, so that your body taps into the excess calories it has stored as fat.

But this isn't easy; in fact, if you're used to "filling up" your tank each and every day, this will require a lot of willpower. Remember that it is irrelevant which type of gas you're using.

In other words, whether you spinach or French fries, the excess calories will be as stored fat.

Free Weight Loss Info: What is the right calorie deficit for you?

Although it is important to create a calorie deficit, you don't want to go overboard and trigger your body's "famine response." Going overboard and cutting too many calories will slow down the rate at which your body burns fat; this is your body's natural survival response that helps conserve energy.

Subsequently, you'll burn less fat and simultaneously storing more. The best approach is to use a slight deficit that gently stimulates fat to be burned but doesn't trigger your body's survival responses.

A good measure is to consume about 300,500 calories less than your body's requirement for maintaining its current weight. This is in fact much easier to do than you think. Many of us can eliminate 200,400 unnecessary calories just by cutting out soda and fruit juices from our diets or reducing portion sizes at meals. This is one of the simplest pieces of free weight loss info out there.

By eliminating these calories in small daily chunks, as advised in the above free weight loss info, you will be able to lose more fat and retain more muscle mass than you would with a restrictive "crash" diet.

Free weight loss info: To sum it up

You need to reduce your daily calorie intake and increase your activity level so as to burn more calories than you consume. As long as you accomplish this on a consistent basis, you will start dropping the pounds.

There is so much free weight loss info out there, but learning how to create a proper caloric deficit is the most critical piece of the entire puzzle.

Four Secrets To Finally Achieving The Weight Loss

1. The secret to making a simple Commitment to your exercise program. The big companies who are stealing your money want you to believe that a pill, fad diet or a special machine will solve all your weight loss and fitness problems. This is counter-intuitive and insults your common sense. But people still want to believe – because there’s so much PAIN. The real “secret” is quite simple and I’ll distill it for you right here: eat 4 to 5 small healthy meals per day and perform a combination of aerobic and resistance training exercise for 40 to 60 minutes 3 times a week. Take out your calendar right now and mark off three days each week for the next 12 weeks when you will commit to exercising. Then do it. Your consistent commitment will bring you the results you want.

2. The secret of having a Coach. Almost every self-help book ever written talks about the critical importance of having a coach/mentor. A coach is an experienced and trusted counselor or teacher. It’s inevitable that you will come up against hard times on your path to losing weight
and getting fit. A coach will guide, motivate, educate and support you – so you can easily and rapidly overcome these hurdles. A coach is critical to systemising your exercise program for maximum results and assisting you in heightening your motivation and strengthening your commitment. And a coach becomes your “objective feedback system,” helping you see, understand and correct the problems that are interfering with your progress. Exercise and nutrition are bona fide sciences and learning everything you need to know on your own can take years of struggle – but not if you have a coach.

3. The secret of Progression. Have you ever met someone who says they exercise week after week, month after month, even year after year and aren't getting any new results? Believe it or not, doing the same workout over and over without expert guidance to direct your progress will actually decrease your results. You must learn how to progressively improve and fine-tune your efforts for maximum weight loss and fitness results.

4. The BIGGEST secret: Accountability. In a recent study at Virginia Polytechnic University in the US, researchers divided people starting a walking program into two groups. Every week, each individual in one group got a phone call asking how their exercise program was coming along, the other group got no calls. At the end of 24 weeks, 45% of the individuals who got the phone calls were still walking compared to just 2% who did not receive calls. The results show that weekly accountability increases the likelihood of sticking to your exercise program by 2200%!

Dieting does not provide your Weight Loss Solution

Did you know that nearly one out of every 3 people in the world right now is overweight? And the worst thing is this number is rising. Now with so many weight loss programs, diets and exercise equipment in the world why does this number continue to grow? The simple answer is that not everyone knows how to lose weight successfully. Instead everyday millions of people continually make the number one mistake when trying to lose weight. And that of course is resorting to the famous act of dieting.

While the simple term diet means the food that you consume in modern times a diet has taken the interpretation of a restricted easting plan. We all see the latest Hollywood or fad diet advertised in magazines or on TV and they seem to come and go like a fashion trend however they do not provide the results they promise. They rely on restricting the amount or type of food you consume and you are led to believe that by eating less you will weigh less. In actual fact this can often lead to a reverse effect, whereby the less you eat the more fat your body will store.

You have probably seen or heard of the most common types of these diets. The most readily available varieties limit either the amount of fat, carbohydrates, protein or other nutrients from you diet. They may even cut out food altogether and only use liquid meals or worse they may skip meals such as breakfast or dinner. Most of the time they severely restrict your food consumption and this should be avoided at all costs.

Now obviously if you ever try one of these diets you will lose weight in the short term as you are simply eating less. You may even think that your chosen fad diet is the next winner. However you should realise that your weight loss due to this form of restriction dieting is mainly due to water and muscle loss. This is really bad news as your muscles are your body's best weapon against fat loss and by losing water you fun the risk of dehydration.

When trying to lose weight you should try to get rid of everything your body does not need. And we definitely need water and our muscles to survive (and look sexy). These diets are great big mistakes and should never be taken up by anyone!

Your body is a vehicle for your soul and mind. If it breaks down it can get sick and weak and may suffer injury or disease. Nobody wants this to happen to them and to prevent this we need to keep our bodies working in peak performance. We need to achieve a healthy environment in our bodies to function normally and this requires a correct balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nutrients, and vitamins and minerals. We also need to remain hydrated as water is required for correct body function and is necessary to achieve successful nutrient absorption.

By using these restricting diets to lose weight you are only depriving your body of these necessary nutrients and in a matter of days to weeks you will feel exhausted, tired and weak. Another problem with these restriction diets is that your body may enter starvation mode. This will actually cause your body to store more fat as it does not know when its next meal will be and it needs to be prepared for survival. Even if you cut fat out of your diet it will create and store fat from sugar, carbohydrates or any other food source.

So you see these restriction diets can not only cause your body to be malnourished and dehydrated leaving you without any energy, but you may increase your body fat as you enter starvation mode. This is why they are bad news and should never be used to lose weight. You will place stress on your body by using these methods of weight loss and run the risk of lowering your water and muscle mass and increasing your fat mass. Is this what you really wanted?

The only successfully way to lose weight is by reducing your body fat. And this can only be achieved through proper nutrition, strategic exercise and sufficient rest.

Research has shown that an intense resistance training program performed for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 days can be very beneficial for burning fat. Also by spacing out your eating into 5 smaller meals per day instead of 2 or 3 large meals you will increase your metabolism. This will cause you to burn fat 24/7 and you body will store less fat as it knows that there is another meal around the corner. By finally getting the proper amount of rest and sleep that your body requires you will truly achieve successful fat and weight loss by improving your overall health and fitness level.

side effects and limitations of tooth whitening

The most common side effect experienced by user of teeth whitening techniques can be tooth sensitivity and or gum irritation.
While this can occasionally happen, most people find that the problem settles down, as tooth sensitivity is usually just a passing sensation when people first start using teeth bleaching and as your teeth get used to the process it stops occurring.
Gum sensitivity on the other hand can be because too much gel is used. Care must be taken not to over fill the bleaching trays, as when worn over the teeth the gel can ooze out on to the gums causing irritation. The gel is only for use on the teeth not the gums.
Another cause could be ill fitting bleaching trays. Care should be taken when molding the trays to your teeth. If any part of the tray overlaps the gums, trim the trays down to teeth level so that the gel does not contact the gums. This can be done easily with a pair if scissors.

You may get white patches on the teeth. These problems will go away after a few days.
If any of the above problems have been experienced, don’t worry they can be reduced by shortening the time that you spend on a session of teeth bleaching slightly.
You can also limit the frequency that you use teeth whitening for a while until the sensitivity goes away.
You will soon find the optimum time and frequency that suits you to use teeth whitening.
Whether you do it fast or more slowly the results are the same in the end.
If the teeth sensitivity is a problem, using a tooth paste specially formulated for sensitive teeth when brushing your teeth could be a very sensible solution.
Fillings, Crowns, and Veneers
These will not respond to teeth whitening treatment. If you want to go ahead with the treatment then you will have to have the crowns, veneers and composite fillings replaced, otherwise you will finish up with teeth of different colours.

Gum Disease, Cavities, or Worn Tooth Enamel If you have any of the above, teeth whitening bleach may not be effective.
Tetracycline Staining
Do not expect a dramatic improvement in the whiteness of your teeth after initial treatments if your teeth are heavily stained by medication. The improvements will take time and need more prolonged treatment.
The processes are not recommended for anyone under the age of sixteen on medical grounds.
Treatment is not recommended for pregnant or breast feeding mothers. Ingesting even very small amounts of the product can be harmful to a foetus.
Obviously, anyone allergic to peroxide or any of the ingredients, should not use a teeth whitening product.
Results vary according to the individual’s age, genetic make up, teeth condition and the whitening product chosen. Don’t expect miracles but there will be noticeable improvements over time. The results from one course of treatment will not last forever. Repeat treatment will maintain and generally enhance the improvements.

Results do show that teeth whitening is an affordable and effective way of getting back that winning smile.

What Should You Do If You Got H1n1

Prevention is better than cure. But we cannot be successful with prevention always. At this time, wherein H1N1 is spreading rapidly than before, you might have been infected as well. What should you do after contacting swine flu virus? What are the necessary measures to do in order to effectively fight the disease and keep living?

Immediately seek medical care. A patient must receive the essential medications (like Tamiflu or Relenza), and check ups to know how much medical attention is necessary. In the hospital or clinic, there are resident nurses and doctors wearing their medical uniforms, who will be readily available to care for your health with the needed professional expertise. Whether you need to stay in a hospital or not will depend on how severe the infection has gotten. If the condition is far from severe, a patient will be safe to stay at home, being given with flu medications and visit from a physician from time to time. Don’t forget to provide healthy food.

Get swine flu vaccine. It is important to get vaccinated, even after acquiring the flu virus because it will still help you develop immunity, which means faster healing period. If living in a house with other family members, a housemate, or anyone, get them vaccinated as well. With an infected person around, they are more at risk of catching the swine flu. Parents must check on their children for any symptoms as frequently as possible. Remember that with the cold season, risk is higher.

Be ready for an emergency. Do not undermine how severe the disease could get. The H1N1 flu might worsen after few days of contact, and even after a visit to a doctor. Make sure you have the means of getting to a hospital fast. For those living far from hospitals, a car in good condition and full tank will be necessary. A contact list will also be wise to always have at hand; include contact details of local emergency department, physician, or neighbor who can help. If it is possible to keep someone in company, somebody able to drive, that will be great.

Think positively. You hear H1N1 deaths in the news and people around, and this might ruin your faith of winning over it, especially if you have preexisting health problem. This will do you no good, so fight the fright. Psychological strength often helps the patient be cured faster. With regards to this, pray as well. Others might not agree, including many doctors, but if numerous people find extra strength in believing in an entity such as god, you have all the reasons to believe.

Quit Smoking Treatment

Getting hooked to a habit is easy and in your hands but to escape from its clutches is totally out your hands. You just can't decide that you will not smoke from this moment and that's it. It does not work that way. Smoking cessation is a slow ongoing process which requires patience, strength and will-power. The first and foremost of the reasons to quit smoking is your health. If the smoker is fully aware of the health risks of smoking, he or she may say it's time to quit. Once your quit smoking date arrives, you may want to use some of the aids discussed above to improve your success rate. Any one of the above causes should be sufficient enough to make you quit smoking, if not for yourself, for your little miracle that is being formed in your womb.

Numerous people recommend that stop smoking hypnosis therapy be used in conjunction with other stop smoking methods such as nicotine replacement stop smoking products like the patch or nicotine gum. With the course of the time, the smoker becomes physical and psychologically addict to the nicotine, and to be able to stop smoking he needs to be liberated from both dependences. Once a smoker understands his own smoking behavior, he will be able to cope more successfully and select the best quitting approaches for himself and the type of life-style he leads. Studies have shown that you have a better chance of being successful if you have help. You can get support in many ways; tell your friends, co-workers and your family that you have quit smoking and want their support. Ask them not to smoke around you or leave cigarettes out. Talk to your health care provider (for example: doctor, dentist, nurse, pharmacist, psychologist, or smoking counselor). Get individual, group, or telephone counseling. The more counseling you have, the better your chances are of quitting. Programs are given at local hospitals and health centers. Call your local health department for information about programs in your area.

One part of the addiction to cigarettes that people ignore in favor of concentrating on the dependency effects of nicotine is the habit that has formed over many years of the actual ACTION of smoking. IF you carry some toothpicks you can suck on or some nuts you can crack open and eat you will busy your hands looking for a familiar action, no need for anything terribly elaborate just keep them busy or they may stray to a cigarette.

You will find all that you need to know about, self help, stress control, weight control, stop smoking, mind control, relax, motivation and meditation .Smoking is a hard habit to break. One of those effective way to quit smoking is Natural Tea leaves without any toxic substance and can quit within 5-6 days. You might need to consider of your body side. If you are small like Asian people, you need only one box. But if your size is twice of those Asian, you might need two box to quit the cigarette.