Health News Headlines

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Top Three Strength Weight Training Exercises

Any well rounded physical fitness plan will incorporate strength weight training into a cycle along with muscle building and endurance building exercises. Training for strength will be a key factor in reaching the next level in your goals for increasing your muscle mass. The work in a cycle with one another in a kind of circular benefit system. You will get stronger if you work on building muscle and a key to how build muscle is by getting stronger. Thus both are necessary to maximizing you potential both areas of physical fitness.

We certainly know about trends and fads in the physical fitness world. We make it our job to pay attention to what is up and coming and evaluate it with the same test basic test we apply to everything. Does it work? And, does it work better than what we're already doing? If not, we consider it to be either bull crap or less than the best. We don't like trading the best for good.

What I'm talking about is the latest increase in the popularity of Olympic weight lifting. Now, as far as our tests are concerned they were easy with this one because we already have an incredible amount of data on Olympic weight lifting exercises because it is what we have heavily relying on to produce incredible results from our beginning. What we mean by Olympic weight lifting exercises are both the exercises performed in Olympic weight lifting competition and the exercises used to train for Olympic weight lifting competition.

Exercises used in competition are the Clean and Press, the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch. Some of the best exercises that are used to train for these events are Dead Lifts, Squats, Bench and Military Presses, Rows, Dips and Chin / Pull Ups. There is something these exercises have in common. They all incorporate multiple muscle groups into one lift or exercise.

The reason these are so beneficial to the Olympic Competitor is because they are the best kinds of exercises for building massive strength. Have you ever seen a 180 lb guy lift 400 lbs over his head on a straight bar? That is the definition of strength. Training to use you bodies muscles together not only better builds total strength, it also better builds a more functional strength and a more explosive strength.

What we mean by functional strength is a strength that is easily transfer into life outside of the gym. It is how effectively you can control, manipulate and use your body to perform tasks. Whether it is work, sport, sex etc. Explosive strength is just as it sounds the ability to burst into action. You will notice benefits from these kinds of strength in all areas of your life.

Are you football weight training?, Hockey?, Golf?, MMA?, Wrestling?, Baseball?, etc. You people need to pay attention to the information in this article. Bursting into a tackle, straight arming to break a tackle or leaping to make a catch all require functional explosive strength. Increasing checking or slap shot power, increasing distance on the links, Getting the edge over your opponent in a fight or wrestling match and the difference between a pop fly out and an HR or getting or not getting burned by a fastball is functional explosive strength. Do you want to be the best at what you do? Train for functional explosive strength.

So we said we would give you our top three exercises for building strength. We'll give'm to you as if they would all be in one workout so as to make a complete body routine. They would be the clean and press, the seated row and bench press. Really, there is not a best one. They are all tremendous exercises and they should all be incorporated into your routine but this is one combination you can try.

Remember, to really benefit in the strength department, keep you weight high. You shouldn't be able to do more than 2 reps per exercises. Get plenty of rest at night and be sure to eat to support your goal. If your goal is increased strength be sure to not short change your self on total daily calories and carbs. They will be another big key to reaching the goals you have for yourself for strength.

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